How can I make money getting a great idea to the right company without a patent?

Hi my friend's do you really have great ideas ? so don't worry about it i have best solution for that

I'll assume you're referring to licensing and/or acquisition of the product.
Start with research. Know your market, what people in it want, and what is out there already. Figure out how yours will be better. Keep a list of every company you come across in that space.
Draw a design, and then have it made in 3D CAD. get a prototype made cheaply - Do it yourself if you have to, or get one 3D-printed and make it look nice. If it's complex, you'll have to get more creative. For most simple products, it's well worth the small cost.

Now, do prospecting research. Find all of the companies you might license it to, and compile a list of contacts. You should already have a good start if you did enough market research. Things you're looking for: they sell to your market, they produce complimentary products, and they produce in the materials with which you'll need your product made.
Get a provisional patent. Google Gene Quinn or ipWatchdog for this. You can write it yourself using his software, and it's cheap. It's also cheap to file. This gives you one year to say "patent pending" while you search out your licensee.
Get a sales sheet made. It needs to look professional, and keep it simple. All you need is a nice 3D rendering of the product as it would look when finished, and a few BRIEF bullet points on benefits of the product. Start calling your contacts to gauge their interest. For those that want to know more, send the sales sheet. You want them to ask questions and request a prototype. Build the relationship. Then send the prototype.
The rest is a lot of back and forth, and negotiation if you're lucky. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work out. Keep working on all your potential prospects.


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