What kind of artificial intelligence will leave you jobless?

what is artificial intelligence (AI) :-
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science behind making machines that act and make decisions rationally.
Rationality here is defined more technically than in a colloquial context. There are a couple important aspects to the rationality displayed by AI systems:
·         Achieving pre-defined goals of the system
·         Entirely evaluated by the decisions made rather than the thought process behind the decision
·         Goals are expressed by the usefulness or utility of the outcomes
·         Rationality centers around maximizing an expected utility in a system
We define rationality as such because it makes evaluation of AI systems significantly easier from a scientific perspective. There are arguments for other models of rationality, but this is the model that most in the field of AI accept.
In this series, we are going to be looking a lot at rational agents, which are entities that perceive and act in some sort of environment. And because we are trying to make these agents act rationally, these agents will attempt to maximize some utility in this environment.
Often, these utilities are how we define them in the environment. For example, if we wanted a robot that cleaned the dishes, we might give more utility to actions that clean and less utility to actions that do not contribute to cleaning dishes.
Designing good utilities in environments is actually one of the central challenges in artificial intelligence and we will go through some of the reasons why in this series.
          Now a days, it is very difficult for us to live without our smart phones. But how can we make our smartphones smarter? The answer is Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is basically a machine which has the ability to copy intelligent behaviour. Artificial Intelligence possibilities are endless, it is already present in our phones and we can find this with the help of Mobile, it can be embedded using chatbots or context aware sensors.
When we are thinking about the smart applications or artificial intelligence (AI) Assistant probably come to our mind. Hundreds of linguists and software engineers dedicate countless hours to building these services into responsive personal assistants that can answer questions, track down information, send messages, launch services, and more.

AI was coined by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist, in 1956 at The Dartmouth Conference.
According to John McCarthy, it is “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”.
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:
·         Speech recognition
·         Learning
·         Planning
·         Problem solving
Goals of AI
To Create Expert Systems − The systems which show intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain, and advice its users.
To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines − Building systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like people.
AI  Specialization:
AI includes the following areas of specialization:
·         games playing: teaching computers to play games against humans
·         expert systems: teaching computers to make decisions in real-life situations
·         natural language: teaching computers to understand natural language
·         neural networks: computers that imitate intelligence by attempting to reproduce the types of physical connections that occur in animal brains
·         robotics: teaching systems to see and hear and react to other sensory stimulation
@@@What kind of artificial intelligence will leave you jobless? -:
Here is the list of jobs having absolutely zero chance of survival:-
1.      Driver-less vehicles will leave tens of millions drivers jobless.
2.      Amazon Go will leave tens of millions of cashiers jobless.
3.      Millions of whatever-analysts will be out of job, as Data Analysis algorithms get more mature with time.
4.      Tens of millions of whatever-technicians jobs will get vanished.
5.      Real Estate Brokers will get out of business.
6.      Clerical jobs will be finished as machine will get automation in its hand.
7.      Tens of millions of whatever-operator jobs will be gone.
8.      Interior and Fashion Designers will get out of jobs. These could be very easily replaced by machine.
9.      Civil Engineers are at very high risk of replaced by machine.
10.  There are hundreds of different types of engineering job, more than 90% of these jobs are at risk.
11.  Music Directors and composers, sorry guys…
12.  Most of the medical related profession will be no more in hands of humans.
Whatever job you can think of is somehow at risk, some are in high end of the spectrum while other in low.

So, what to do?
Well, Elon Musk has even started a company to transplant an electronic chip into your brain and make you more smarter than machine, according to many experts it won’t workout.
Elon Musk  has proposed an idea of universal basic income as machine won’t let us do any job. But that is also unlikely, how in the world US will put high taxes on Silicon Valley’s bros to pay to the people in Bangladesh?
Artificial Intelligence is one of the deadliest threats humanity are facing today. The smartest people of our planet are really worried about the possible takeover of AI over humanity.
Who knows what the tide could bring tomorrow? As nobody predicted Brexit and Trump, therefore, smart folks in the tech and policy domain are also clueless about tomorrow. Honestly, it’s the uncertainty which is dangerous.
   thanks you !!!


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